French, German and Italian Noble Titles for Sale
Ostlichter LTA specialises in the lawful research and legal transfer of Feudal and Noble titles from specific regions of France, Italy and Germany. All transferences are handled by veteran attorneys and all procedures are impeccably executed in a seamless way.
It is our belief that some of the most illustrious feudal and noble titles from Europe come from some provinces of France, Italy and Germany. This is our territory, and where we do excel, providing an outstanding service for historians, researchers, scholars interested in the past, and the connoisseurs and collectors of historical rarities and good old fashioned ancient feudal and noble titles. All our titles are hereditary and genuine, always transmissible, and have the necessary prestige required in this type of research.
The sale of Italian, German and French titles of nobility is a rare opportunity to tie yourself to a grandiose past, full of honour, glory and tradition. There is to say that probably, the French, German and Italian nobilities are some of the most attractive of the whole world.
The sale of noble titles from these countries has always been a dream coveted by many. Today, these sales of noble titles take the form of different forms of assignation, as the legal systems of these countries have greatly changed. In the past, you could do almost anything with a Noble title, as it indeed had a patrimonial nature linked very often to the possession of land. This is not so anymore. For that reason, it was not uncommon to see in the past adverts in German regional gazettes offering for auction titles of nobility in order to transform titles in cash and divide up the proceedings between the heirs of the noble estate.
Many noble titles were sold in Italy with the idea of doing the necessary fundraising to build up monuments, restore monasteries or paintings, and provide the necessary cash to undertake costly municipal improvements such as the pavement of new roads or the construction of facilities and amenities in local trade markets and fairs, with the idea to promote local commerce.
In France, many titles were sold or mortgaged to obtain either equity or just cash to keep allowances flowing to the owners of such dignities. Evidently, this is not so anymore, and the panorama has changed completely, as these options are not in the table anymore. Also, while the acquisition and purchase of noble titles in France, Italy and Germany is still a much closed market, the titles are slightly more accessible, because they are not linked anymore to the land, and therefore, it is not necessary any longer to purchase substantial acreage and real estate to validate the claims and sales on noble titles.
Our firm has a proven background of excellence in the handling of Feudal and Noble Titles from central France and northern France. It is still possible to find in our files rarities such as Feudal and Noble Titles from Languedoc-Roussillon, Alsace, and Lorraine.
One of the most appreciated services we provide is the location, research and transfer of the both German and French Feudal Titles from Alsace and Lorraine. The Feudal Titles from Alsace and Lorraine are probably some of the most distinguished and ancient feudal titles of Europe. Most of them have many centuries of existence, and possess the quality of duality. Many titles from Alsace and Lorraine are both French and German Feudal titles at the same time, and have German names.
Their history is always interlinked with both Germany and France, and the titles are effective in both countries, belonging at the same time to two different systems of nobility. This is the reason why the collectors of historical curiosities have such a profound interest in the aforementioned titles. Some of the Best Feudal titles of the world are in this area, and there are not many left. If you are interested in Italian noble titles for sale, we can also help, and research for you Italian Baronies, Marquisates, Duchies and Principalities.
If your wish is to be the sole and incontestable proprietor of an ancient Feudal or Noble title from central or northern France, the South of Italy, or some areas of Germany and the Baltic Countries, please do contact us. You will not be disappointed. Please, follow the procedure and protocol and fill the contact form.
Noble Titles for Sale: France
In the last decades, there has been an ever increasing interest in the phenomenon and history of the sale of noble titles in France.
We are able to locate excellent feudal and noble titles on behalf of our customers.
We cater exclusively for an exquisite clientele. If your desire is to obtain the property of a French Feudal and Noble Title, we are the right people. Ancient Feudal France is always surprising, and many historical rarities and curiosities are obtainable for our discerning clients. Nowadays, it is indeed still possible to acquire one of these rare and ancient dignities.
We have in our possession vast documentation regarding Feudal France, and we are specialists in doing historical research in the areas of Languedoc, Bretagne, Alsace and Lorraine. We obtain mainly Lordships and Baronies, but we also may obtain other type of titles with a higher rank, such as Count Titles, Viscounts and even Marquisates.
The owners of French Noble Titles are always linked to the most ancient aristocracy of Europe, and some of the most distinguished families in the whole world. It must be clearly understood that France was a cultural and political entity of great significance, and inherited a highly effective administrative organisation. This made possible the creation of a truly unique nobility system.
The most habitual noble title for sale in France is the rank of Baron. These originated chiefly from feudal Lordships and aggrandized fiefdoms. In the enlightened middle Ages, the age of humanism and the splendour of the Baroque period, the sale of noble titles in France soared, due to the ever ascending purchasing power of the untitled nobility, eager to obtain dignities that could consolidate their emerging social and economic status.
The increasing revenue generated by the sale of noble titles in France helped alleviate the anxieties of royal tax collectors. These duties were used primarily in supporting financially the French armies and the programs of public works, or the building and construction of Royal Palaces such as Versailles.
Contrary to popular belief, the owners of recently purchased noble titles available for sale in France worked incessantly in their fiefdoms and lands to bring stability to the government entrusted to them. In fact, the sale of nobility in France was a very usual practice, sanctioned by law within a very specific legal frame, which became an institution and a custom that went on undisturbed for several centuries, contributing effectively to the permeability of social classes.
We can safely affirm that this convention of selling noble titles in the diverse regions of France shaped the very fabric of French society, and was a very important social factor that helps explain the history of the French country from a sociological and financial view. It even affected older institutions, even canonical ones like marriage, adoption, and mercantile practices.
It also influenced land development, forestry, agriculture, property laws and regulations, the redesign of taxation systems, the composition of municipal courts and local councils, and even the very own intellectual conception of nobility itself.
A very interesting phenomenon that explains the sociological importance of the acquisition of nobility is explained through the acts of those who bought the French noble titles which could be on sale in that age. The recent purchasers tried to preserve the purity of their class through frequent acts of intermarriage, in order to maintain unchanged their newly acquired status.
Noble Titles for Sale: Italy
There were many distinguished families in Italy. In recent years, there has been a great deal of attention towards the nobility of Italy. The Italian peninsula was the origin of all nobility, as the western conception of nobility both as an idea and a social class with differentiated privileges was created in Rome.
Also, there is to point that the origins of the Italian Nobility are eminently feudal. For that reason it can be said that it was not uncommon the sale of noble titles in Italy, an historical fact that remained true for hundreds of years till it became to an end with the abolition of feudalism in the XIX century.
Nowadays, it is still a possibility to buy in Italy a Noble Title. Though the mechanisms of transmission are now different, and not precisely through acts of plain sale, it is possible the registration and acquisition of feudal and noble titles through the European courts.
Before the Unification of Italy, the sale of noble titles was extremely widespread. This legal and historical fact was facilitated by the complex political system of Italy. The nobility law of Italy is by far the most multifaceted and legally challenging of the whole Europe. This is because Italy, prior to 1870, date in which it became a unified Kingdom, was comprised of many kingdoms with different sets of systems and regulations concerning nobility.
The legal framework that made possible the sale and traffic of noble titles in Italy was extremely diverse and had its sources on many different regulatory bodies. The Ancient Italic Kingdoms were: The Grand Duchy of Tuscany, The Duchy of Parma, the Kingdom of Sardinia, The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, The Papal States, The Duchy of Milan, The Duchy of Savoy, some small republics like San Marino, the Kingdom of Lombardy-Veneto, and the Austrian protectorates in northern Italy near Venice and the Italian Tyrol.
The unavoidable consequence was the creation of many parallel nobility systems and laws with totally alien and dissimilar rules. Some of these Kingdoms and Duchies merged, such as Sardinia and Sicily, forming the greatest Italic Monarchy according to the dimension of its territory: The new Kingdom of Naples and Sicily. Finally, the Piedmont Nobility and the Savoy dynasty, achieved the unification of Italy under the sceptre of a savoy King.
The eagerness in the attainment of noble titles on sale in Italy was enormous, especially in the South, where the market and sale of nobility titles was huge and executed at a very big scale. This led to many adjustments in the very own conception of society, law, commerce and many other factors. The sale of noble titles in Italy was done in the past through two main methods:
- The purchase and acquisition of fiefdoms, allodial lands, and other estates.
- The public auction to the highest bidder of a noble title for sale, in an effort to raise funds to do public works such as restoration of churches, roads, palaces and the recruiting and training of mercenary armies.
It must be said that these methods of sale of Italian noble titles are not valid anymore due to the end of feudalism and the political unification of Italy.
One of our specialities is obtaining the unquestionable property of Italian Noble and Feudal Titles. Italy was composed of many diverse and different ancient Kingdoms, Principalities and sovereign Duchies. Here, you can find the impressive Feudal Titles from Sicily and Naples, heirs to the impressive tradition and Grandeur of the Italian South, or the very rare Feudal Titles from the North, with some reminiscence of the Imperial Times.
Some of the Titles of Northern Italy are linked to the Austrian Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, Hungary and the Balkans. The Italian Nobility title most habitually object of legalised sale and purchase was the title of Baron. However, many other titles changed hands often, including those with higher ranks, as it became widespread practice the sale of princely titles, being this eminently done in the south.
As said in previous posts in this informative blog, the rarest and most appreciated feudal titles in the world are the French-Germanic Feudal Titles from Alsace and Lorraine. Well, this may be true for some people, but the other "Jewell of the Crown" are the extraordinary and imposing Feudal Titles from Northern Italy, linked to the Holy Roman Empire and the German-Hungarian-Austrian World.
We are the only firm in the world with the knowledge and capacity to get lawfully these appreciated feudal titles. We can attain not only Lordships and Baronies but also titles of much higher rank such as titles of Count, Marquis, Duke and Prince. You just have to follow our protocol guidelines and we will be at your service by providing you with the property of a magnificent Noble and Feudal Title from some of the rarest and prestigious areas of Italy, from the Grand and magnificently decadent South to the Imperial North. You will not find on the web any other website or company offering this kind of service in an impeccable and legal way.
Noble Titles for sale: Germany
We normally are able to study and locate first-rate quality German Noble Titles from the South of Germany and the German areas of the Baltic Countries, or ancient German feudal titles from Lothringen, the ancient Duchy of Lorraine.
The sale of German Noble Titles always has been a fascinating subject.
Our researchers undertake the study of German noble titles with the outmost care, always searching for hereditary titles that have been historically verified.
Whether you are a person of German descent, have ties to Germanic historical regions or you are indeed a collector of historical rarities with an interest in the feudal history of Central Europe, we can always help by pointing you in the right direction. We are able to attain the property of Germanic Feudal titles through a seamless and perfect legal work.
The oldest German noble titles are usually those ranked as Baronies. Also, the rank more available for sale is that of Baron.
The Possessors of German Noble Titles distinguished themselves very often for their military skills, mounting guard, drilling on parade grounds, excellent horsemanship abilities, and a philosophy of life inclined to subject themselves to military discipline. The young German Barons usually took military careers as a natural choice, and always exalted and shared patriotic ideas about nation and fatherland.
We must say that it is not possible nowadays to acquire a German Nobility Title in the same way as it was done centuries ago. Laws have changed, and the very status of nobility has been subjected to an entirely new juridical frame.
Sale contracts on German noble titles were generally very complex due to the intricate structure of annuities, rents and lands that normally were part of a noble title. The lands of a German Noble Fiefdom could have a very complicated legal position, as parts of it could be mortgaged or be given as collateral or guarantees in loans, or allocated separately for the provision of feudal allowances to members of the family. Nowadays this is not so, because the corporative privileges of nobility and noble titles have been nullified by law after the advent of the Weimar Republic. Only through the courts these titles can be transmitted, and do lack patrimonial qualities. In a way, all has been made far simpler, due to the exclusion of the taxation and patrimonial problems.
The sale of German Noble Titles has been very prolific, and it was a very huge market in the past. Many industrialists and prominent people acquired such dignities. Even some Nazi officials such as Joachim von Ribbentrop participated in the sale and purchase of German Noble Titles. In this case, this man bought a title for himself. Also, many Dutch members of the high bourgeoisie acquired German titles.
German Titles sold very well from 1860 to 1914, and this was indeed the golden age for the sale of German titles of nobility. The exceptional industrial and commercial development of the German Empire created a totally new social class, the factory owners, especially in the metallurgical and mining sectors. These industrialists amassed vast fortunes and contributed to the tax revenue systems with enormous amounts of money, as they generated an immense wealth for their country.
It was only logical that many German titles were sold by the many German Princes to these businessmen. The sale transactions and settlements usually exchanged large sums of money for nobility titles, and these transactions were normally disguised as charity donations or public contributions to the commonwealth of these countries. Conventional marriages of convenience between impoverished titled families and rich industrial heirs was also common in this age, and up to this very time, we must say that this practice has not precisely fallen into disuse.
The dealing on German noble titles has changed very much. Legal constraints and an entirely new way of thinking, and also the phenomenon of globalisation have greatly affected this institution. However, if you are still interested in the acquisition of one of those German Feudal Dignities just follow our instructions below.
It is very easy. Just write us identifying yourself properly, and indicate to us what you wish. Then, we will tell you how we work, what we do, and how we do it. Our researchers, historians and legal team will start working for you in order to obtain for you the property of an ancient German Feudal Title, and will prepare and submit a complete dossier with the historical name, details and procedure about an historical Feudal Title.
Ostlichter LTA only caters for the connoisseurs. Our clientele is always elite and exquisite people. Do you want to be the proud owner of your very own feudal title?