Italian Count Title for Sale: Special Promotion

Feb 5, 2019 | Noble Titles, Royal Titles

Italian Count Title for Sale.

The sale and research of noble titles of Count in Italy is not easy for many reasons. The research of Italian titles with the rank of Count is actually one of the most difficult tasks for genealogical and historical researchers, as the availability of this type of title is rather scarce.

However, we are pleased to announce that our research team, after strenuous work, is able to research first quality titles of Count. History, Tradition, Honour and Lordship still play an important factor in the lives of many people. Nobility, Heraldry, Chivalry and Feudalism are not anymore obsoletely sidelined topics or subjects.

Titles can also be good for business purposes, or for people wishing to extend their circle of friends and start networking in a completely different environment. In addition, people involved in fundraising or the charity world might find titles very useful for their dedications.

We regularly investigate the Registers and the Historic Archives of Italy to research feudal titles and dignities that formed part of the nobility of the Kingdoms of Italy or the former realms of the various Italian Princedoms, including titled or untitled nobility, military orders, army and orders of Knighthood and Chivalry. We also offer assessment to those seeking counsel in the acquisition of other Italian titles of nobility, and offer notarial certifications of property of nobility titles.

We have successfully carried out legal procedures towards the reinstatement and ownership confirmation of many Italian titles, and instituted research in the fields of: jurisdictional investigations, ecclesiastic dignities, noble houses, dynasties, adoptions, cession of titles, refutations, etc.

Italian Count Titles are among the most distinguished titles of nobility of the world. For the first time in many years, we are again able to offer to our clients the possibility of researching this very coveted title. Those with a fondness for Italian history, arts and lifestyle will be delighted to hear this excellent news.

Feudalism in Italy was particularly strong, and it is still possible to locate ancient count titles that can be legally obtained for our customers.

Traditionally, distinguished people with Italian Ancestors or a liking for Italy are interested in this type of title. We are working in building up an impressive portfolio of well researched and magnificent portfolio of Count Titles located in Italy.

Count Title Promotion:

Italian Feudal Counties are a rarity and very hard to come by. Our skilled legal and research team has investigated an excellent French Feudal Barony. Not many Ancient Counties from Italy are nowadays in a position to be conveyed. This ancient County has a superb quality and Background.

As we have been many years without offering for sale Italian counties, we are delighted to highlight our offering with an impressive promotion:

Normal prices for the research and transfer of an Italian title of Count would be of 10000€.

We offer to our clients the option of attaining the title for the special price of 6900€ all included.

We have once more in our impressive portfolio of titles the always desired and decadent Italian Counties. Now, we have available for immediate transfer an ancient Count title from Italy. The price for this County is of 6900€, and must be paid by Bank Wire or PayPal in two instalments. The title we will research for you is several hundred years old, and his grandeur is enormous, as the titles usually belonged to some of the most important families of Italy. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the rare privilege of owning a European title of Count, you are welcome to contact us.

Experienced solicitors always carry out the transactions and successfully execute the necessary legal proceedings. The time- frame is of 8-12 weeks, and then documents are couriered anywhere in the world. There are just a few opportunities left in Italy, as available titles of Count are becoming a very limited and treasurable commodity.

Complete information on the title is only and exclusively given to clients willing to register with us and pay the 299€ research fee. If you do not identify yourself properly, your enquiry will be ignored. This being said, this is a truly unique opportunity to acquire a Comital title. Serious and legitimate enquiries are indeed welcome. So far, we have given a very good degree of information for everybody with a serious interest.

This is an excellent opportunity for those people who want to treat themselves to something truly unique and different, or for those who deeply respect the ancient concepts of Aristocracy, Honour, and Nobility of Blood and Soil.


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