Aristocrat: Meaning & Definition
The term aristocrat is a word that can conjure up a wide range of meanings. This is likely because, over the many centuries that the aristocracy evolved, there have been a vast variety of individuals and social groups that have held the title of aristocrat.
To reveal more about the precise definition and meaning of this intriguing term, here are some insights into the context, history and representation of the word.
The Definition Of Aristocrat
In the formal sense, the definition of an aristocrat is a person who belongs to a family that holds an official title of aristocracy or nobility.
The commonly accepted titles that qualify as aristocratic ranks are;
- Dukes
- Marquis
- Count
- Viscount
- Baron
- Baronet
- Knight
- Lord
Over time, female equivalents of these aristocratic ranks emerged, and these are;
- Duchess
- Marchioness
- Countess
- Viscountess
- Baroness
- Baronetess
- Dame
- Lady
A person or family with a legitimate claim to one of these titles is regarded as an aristocrat.
What Does It Mean To Be An Aristocrat?
To be an aristocrat, in the simplest sense, means to possess an aristocratic title, or to be a part of an aristocratic family, and by extension, to be a part of the social order known as the Aristocracy.
What this means on an individual basis has varied greatly over the many centuries since this captivating social class first began to emerge as a formal elite group during the Middle Ages.
A portrait of three English aristocrats from the Waldegrave family by Joshua Reynolds – Joshua Reynolds, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The Early Aristocrats
For the early aristocrats, the meaning of their status indicated a degree of honour, esteem, skill, or leadership. The original nobles were selected based on their positive character traits, which commended them as good leaders.
In the earliest days of the aristocracy, being a part of this group meant that you were deemed to be of noble character or eminent skill. This primitive social elevation would have been a great honour, yet it would also include a high degree of responsibility, as the first aristocrats were charged with taking care of the other members of society.
Aristocrats Through The Ages
The centuries of the Middle Ages and the later Renaissance period saw a great many changes in the lives and roles of aristocrats. From the loyal warriors of medieval times, the role evolved into a more refined and sophisticated status within society.
The imagery of aristocrats as wealthy landowners and powerful nobles emerged during this period, when the aristocracy became an elite social order that would grow in political might and social influence to such a degree that entire societies would be governed by groups of aristocrats.
The stereotypical vision of an aristocrat that still endures today is largely a legacy of this period. The nobles of these times would be regarded as those who typically enjoyed great wealth, dressed in the finest clothes, dined on vast banquets, rode horses through country estates or attended royal functions in opulent palaces.
While many of these characteristics were a result of the enormous wealth and social eminence that the aristocracy would become famous for, the ancient traits of nobility were still a feature of this elite group.
Being an aristocrat during this period would mean conforming to ideas such as noblesse oblige – the responsibility of the privileged to take care of those less fortunate. Many aristocrats would also feel a deep sense of obligation to their family heritage. Aristocratic men, women, and children would be subject to strict conventions and standards of etiquette that could sometimes run contrary to personal freedom.
For example, the tradition of arranged marriages was a defining feature of the aristocracy. These matches were decided by the head of the family, or in some cases, by the monarch or political advisors. This is because aristocratic marriages were often a way to increase power and wealth, as well as securing noble lineage and maintaining aristocratic heritage.
At the highest levels of the aristocracy, a marriage could even be a way to broker peace between nations. While the individuals involved may have seemed to enjoy lives of unimaginable privilege and fortune, it’s likely that many of them felt it came at a price in terms of independence and the freedom to follow their hearts.
Modern Aristocrats
In some ways, the modern aristocracy is a more balanced blend of the early noble aristocrats and the extreme elitism that was the norm during the height of aristocratic power.
Being a modern aristocrat can still mean a lifestyle of great wealth and social eminence, enjoying privilege and moving in the most influential circles. Yet, as the sensibilities of the masses and popular culture have shifted over the centuries, there is a definite move towards more altruistic tendencies and a spirit of civic duty.
One constant feature of the aristocracy that is as strong today as it ever was is the appeal this intriguing social group holds for the masses. Some of the most popular modern aristocrats are famed for their captivating lifestyles, with broadcast media and social media making celebrities out of the most glamourous contemporary nobles.
This may seem like a uniquely modern phenomenon, and while the digital nature and global reach of today’s famous aristocrats is a 21st-century twist, the nature of this social elite to capture the imagination of the masses dates back even to Roman times. It seems that the lifestyles and stories of those who enjoy the very best of society are endlessly fascinating to ordinary people from all walks of life.
The distinct definitions of what it means to be an aristocrat have been subject to many centuries of evolution and change. While some of the character traits have altered over time, others have been constant for millennia. Despite the tumultuous and radical shifts in society over the generations, the class of aristocrats have endured, often in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds.
Many of the past characteristics of life as an aristocrat have been lost to the mists of time, yet some of the most endearing and appealing traits have gone full circle, equipping today’s modern nobles with the merits and charms of their earliest ancestors.
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