What’s The Definition Of Noble?
The Definition Of Nobility
There are essentially two definitions of nobility. These are related and share a common origin, but over centuries they have evolved in separate directions and now include significant differences.
Nobility: An Elite Social Order
When people talk of The Nobility, they’re referring to an elite social order that has been established in many societies for hundreds of years. The Nobility, sometimes called the Aristocracy, is a class of elevated individuals and families who possess special rights or privileges not available to the rest of society. These noblemen and noblewomen have usually inherited their title and rank from their ancestors and may belong to an age-old lineage of aristocratic ranks.
Nobility: A Quality Of Character
As referring to a distinct social group, the term nobility can also relate to a quality of character. In contemporary society, this idea of noble character is not exclusive to those born into aristocratic families. An air or quality of nobility can be possessed by or witnessed in any type or person, regardless of their class, occupation or family lineage.
Defining Traits Of The Nobility
The idea of a nobility of character is actually where the formal class of the nobility has its origins. The earliest nobles were those who stood out from the masses due to their distinguishing characteristics and honorable traits.
• Excellence
Perhaps the ultimate defining trait of the original nobles was a skill, talent, or ability beyond the norm.
• Honour
It has long been a tradition within the Nobility to behave with honor and to adhere to honorable virtues.
• Duty
The Nobility has survived for centuries as a result of the strong sense of duty within noble family members who devote their lives to their family and lineage.
• Dignity
An air of dignity and poise is a common characteristic within the social elite, both throughout history and in modern times.
• Lineage
The role of family background and noble lineage has been one of the most important aspects of noble classes and is effectively what defines an elite social order.
• Altruism
In the spirit of the original nobles, there has long been a keen commitment to altruism, generosity and benevolence within the esteemed and privileged noble classes.
• Influence
For many centuries, the most eminent nobles would possess enormous influence, both political power and social leverage, even at the highest levels of governance.
• Grandeur
As a result of enormous wealth and generational fortunes, lavish lifestyles, grand homes, vast estates and opulent magnificence have long been associated with the Nobility.
• Elevation
While many of these defining traits have been a part of the Nobility in varying degrees, one constant aspect is the idea of elevation – a formal or informal condition that sets this social class apart in some way.
How To Become Noble
Just as there are two definitions of nobility, there are two routes to becoming noble.
• Join The Ranks Of The Nobility
In modern society, there are limited ways to join the ranks of the official nobility, known as being ‘ennobled’, yet there are still a few possible routes to joining this esteemed social class.
One way is to marry into a noble family in order to acquire noble status, a practice that was an accepted convention for many centuries, even in the highest echelons of society. These days, this kind of transactional marriage is less favored, and given the shrinking population of bona fide nobles, it’s not a viable option for the majority of people.
Another way to acquire genuine noble status is to receive a formal title from a monarch or sovereign. While the practice of granting titles of nobility is no longer a regular occurrence in most countries, there are a few occasions where it’s possible to receive an official noble rank.
Perhaps the most famous example of this opportunity is the New Year Honours List, decreed by the monarch of the British Royal Family. This esteemed list details new titles that have been granted to people from all walks of life – regardless of lineage or background. These titles, such as Knight and Dame, are a form of ennoblement and they grant official noble status to the recipient. They are usually granted in recognition of a lifetime’s contribution in a certain field, or exceptional acts of altruism or achievement.
There’s one more way to acquire noble status in the modern age, and while it’s undoubtedly the simplest and easiest route, it’s a practice that has been popular within the aristocracy itself for many generations. This is the quiet and distinguished option of simply purchasing a genuine noble title. These titles are becoming increasingly rare, and are often only available through certain specialist providers, but for those with the right connections, it’s entirely possible to purchase an esteemed noble rank and fulfill a lifelong dream of joining the ranks of the nobility.
• Cultivate Noble Characteristics
If you desire to possess an air of nobility, rather than an official noble rank, it’s possible to develop certain personal characteristics that will help distinguish you from the collective. These defining traits are mentioned above, and there are various ways to cultivate them.
One way to develop these noble traits is to study people who you admire, those who you feel already possess the qualities you aspire to. These may be historic characters – a great many noble individuals possessed these noble traits – or they may be contemporary peers or people you know. Studying the people whose character you admire, and then practicing what you learn from them, is a proven way to cultivate the qualities you desire.
The traits of noble characters and the members of the noble classes have been admired and emulated for many centuries. The appeal of the elevated members of society, and the admirable qualities of those possessing noble traits, speak to something within the human heart that is universal. Whether it’s the aspiration to excellence, the honor of altruism, or the charm of influence and grandeur, noble traits and distinguished characters continue to inspire in modern times just as much as they have throughout the ages.
If defining what it means to be Noble has made you curious about acquiring a prestigious Noble Title of your own get in touch using the enquiry form in the sidebar or you can contact our Geneva office directly between 10.00-19.00, Monday to Friday on +41 225 181 360.