Italian Nobility Titles for Sale

The Italian Nobility was one of the most iconic and prestigious social groups to populate the rich history of Europe.
From the centuries of feudal tenure, to the years of revolution and the emergence of the Italian Constitution, the captivating story of Italy is intertwined with its noble families and royal leaders.
It is now possible to become a part of this fascinating and historic lineage, and be forever linked with this endearing nation with the purchase of a genuine title of Italian Aristocracy.
Whether you’re drawn to the cultural magnificence of the Renaissance, the mesmerising Italianate architecture, the climate, the food, the people, or the singular way of life, joining the ranks of Italian nobles is guaranteed to elevate both your status and your personal identity with a unique and distinctive Italian flavour.
Italian Noble Titles For Sale
Sophisticated individuals who appreciate the historical significance and exclusivity of genuine hereditary titles can find more information on the available Italian titles below.
Interactive Italian Titles Map
Use our interactive Italian Titles map below and click the crowns or the titles from the menu to navigate around Italy and the different ranks available.
Who Can Buy An Italian Noble Title?
For many centuries, the aristocracy was renowned from being an exclusive hierarchy the restricted access based on birth and background within the Italian territory.
While the rarity of genuine Italian noble titles still grants them an air of exclusivity, it’s now possible for people of all backgrounds to purchase a royal or noble title.
We have vast experience of helping a whole range of international clients acquire the titles that appeal to their origin or love of Italian culture – from natives of both southern Italy and northern Italy, to those with connections to the Italian Republic or the medieval nobility.
We are particularly skilled in sourcing titles for ex-pats, property owners, and Europeans from the wider continental area, often with ancestral links to the Italian lands, as well as those who simply admire the Italian culture or its historic aristocracy.
With our experience and access to rare opportunities to purchase noble titles, we are able to help those from all nations to become a part of the famous Italian nobility and benefit from its prestigious social cachet and cultural heritage.
The History Of Italian Nobility
The history of the Italian Nobility illustrates an aristocracy that was one of the most diverse social groups that existed in Europe.
There were significant differences in the origins of the main Italian nobilities, from the strictly feudal origins of the nobility from Naples, Sicily and Piedmonts, to the mercantile beginnings of the Tuscany, Venice and Genoa nobilities, established on huge fortunes from trading, banking and shipping.
Then there was the “Black Nobility”, a nickname given to the Papal Nobility, comprised of families rewarded for their services to the different Popes with control over vast estates of land.
Legendary Grandeur
The Italian Nobility was legendary for its grandeur, with huge wealth allowing Italian Nobles to lead a life of incredible luxury.
They lived in grand palaces, imposing castles, and sprawling villas that are still recognised today as some of the grandest and most architecturally important buildings in Europe.
There was also a darker side to the lavish lifestyles enjoyed by the Italian Nobles, with the nature of politics within the Italian states creating an atmosphere where cunning, scheming and plotting were just as important as the vast wealth and obsession for protocol and ceremony.
It’s no surprise that from this era we have gained the term ‘Machiavellian’, which is still used today to describe cunning, ruthless and unscrupulous politicking.
Medieval & Renaissance Noble Titles
Its diverse origins mean the Italian Nobility is especially rich in historic details. The majority of Italian Noble Titles are several hundred years old and offer glimpses of ancient Imperial times, bearing witness to the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance – making any available Italian titles all the more interesting.
Our resources and expertise mean we are uniquely positioned to help our clients find historically authentic Italian Noble Titles and secure their full and legal transfer.
Get in touch with us today to find out how you could secure your own Italian Noble Title. Contact our Geneva office directly between 10.00-19.00, Monday to Friday on +41 225 181 360, or simply complete the enquiry form in the sidebar.
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Great Offers – Select your new Italian Title of Nobility from our current collection
French and Italian Feudal Lordships
Offer expires: December 2024
Never offered before, we are happy to offer to our clients:
- Italian Lordship: 1299€
- French Lordship:1299€
All included in the price.
We are capable of researching prestigious and ancient Historical Feudal Lordships, hundreds of years old, full of history and grandeur, from Italy and France. French Lords were some of the most distinguished aristocrats of Europe. Italian lords were also among the most ancient and notable. Now, we offer for the first time ever the possibility to research and obtain the property of old and prominent Feudal Lordships, and at an excellent price.
All Lordships are payable via PayPal or Bank Wire. This is an excellent opportunity. If you wish to take advantage of this very special promotion, please contact us and enquire. This offer is limited, so prompt action is necessary in order to avoid disappointment.
French or Italian or German Feudal Barony
Offer expires: December 2024
We advise you to analyse this carefully and contact us at your earliest convenience, as this offer at this price is only possible due to unexpected circumstances and it is not likely to last due to the exceptionally good price of the offer. If you want the practical advantages, prestige and personal benefit associated with the ownership of a title and belonging to the feudal aristocracy, this is a very good occasion to do so. Time is of the essence.
This offer expires next March when it will be deleted from our website.
Italian Feudal Title of Marquis
Offer expires: December 2024
Impressive and Ancient Title of Marquis
Impressive, Prestigious Italian Feudal and Noble Title ready to be assigned together with an impressive Coat of Arms, which shall be registered also in your name:
We have again in our impressive portfolio of titles the always desired and decadent Italian Marquisates. Now, we have available for immediate transfer an ancient Marquisate from the South of Italy. The price for this Marquisate is of 7900€ instead of the usual 12000€, and must be paid by PayPal or Bank Wire in three instalments.
Therefore, if you want to enjoy the rare privilege of owning a title of Marquis, you are welcome to contact us. Experienced solicitors always carry out the transactions and legal proceedings. The time-frame is of 8-10 weeks, and then documents are couriered anywhere in the world. There are just a few opportunities left in Europe, as available Marquisates are becoming a very scarce and precious commodity.
Full information on the title is only and exclusively given to clients willing to register with us. If you do not identify yourself properly, your enquiry will be ignored. This being said, this is a truly unique opportunity to acquire an ancient title. Serious and legitimate enquiries are welcome.
The price for this magnificent package is only 7900€, payable by PayPal or Bank Wire.
Exceptional Italian Feudal Barony and a Lordship
Offer expires: December 2024
We have in our books an absolutely illustrious and distinguished Italian Feudal Barony with exceptional features and a great historical background and style.
This title also comes with an ancient Feudal Lordship and an impressive coat of arms:
In this case, we are able to offer an extremely old and prestigious Italian Feudal Barony. The title is several hundred years old, and his grandeur is enormous, as it belonged to some of the most important families of Italy
Price: 5900€ via PayPal or Bank Wire.
Magnificent and Ancient Italian Principality
Offer expires: December 2024
Our Genealogists have found full evidence of an exceptionally old, ancient and prestigious Italian Princely Title. Italian Princely Titles are very hard to come by, and a rarity. Our solicitors can transfer this title to you.
This is a unique title with a regal history and background.
Only customers who feel inclined to identify themselves properly will be taken in to consideration.
Original price was 20000€, this is a very important opportunity.
Enormous intrinsic and historical value
Price is of 12900€ all included, payable via Bank Wire or Paypal.
Offer expires: December 2024
We have evidence now in our books about an impressive nobility title.
It is extraordinarily difficult to obtain these titles nowadays, but due to our research, we have been able to locate an impressive title. The title is of a superb quality and historical background.
This is a title with very high importance and intrinsic value, and comes with a beautiful coat of arms.
Price is 9900€ payable via PayPal or Bank Wire.
Offer expires: December 2024
Not many Ancient Count Titles are nowadays in a position to be conveyed. This ancient Title with the rank of Count has a splendid value and a very interesting historical Background. In addition, the legal fees covering the transfer and legal proceedings are all inclusive as usual.
Price: 6900€ payable via PayPal or Bank Wire.
To take advantage of any of these great offers, get in touch using the enquiry form in the sidebar or you can contact our Geneva office directly between 10.00-19.00, Monday to Friday on +41 225 181 360.